Been breast feeding for 3 days now and my milk is already in very good they said it’s probably because it never fully dried up from when I stopped breast feeding my daughter exactly 1 yr ago . They told me not to pump yet but my boobs feel so heavy and they are sore by arm pits and all in the upper middle of my breast . I’ve been putting heating pads on them but that don’t work . When I cuff them to see which boob is heavier so I know which one to put him on it hurts and feels so heavy . Anything I can do to ease them without pumping ?? Oh yea we are home and it feels GREAT
@ekko, I’ll give the hand express a try . And thank you he’s such a easy baby so far very peaceful long as he’s not hungry . I have to wake him up all through the night when it’s time for him to eat because he be knocked out lol.
@what.the.hewl.uni, I’m not going to lie I’m not big on the shower yet the water makes my incision hurt bad and my it makes my back throb for some reason . I will try the hand express but I’ll wait till my meds kick in stronger because when I breast feed him it makes my stomach cramp bad they said it’s because I’ve had so many kids close together that weakens my muscles and uterus so my uterus contracts during feeding .