Catherine Straley
Catherine Straley
Breastfeeding isn't working out like I planned 😭😫🤱😫😭

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@mamaxkat89 @xryztalroze @outnumbered thanks y'all! the first few days he was latching great and everything was going perfect but then his pediatrician said he wasn't gaining enough weight and told me to start supplementing math formula and of course that got him a little spoiled on the bottle because it's less effort for him. The stress of it made my supply drop drastically and then I found it impossible to make time to sit down and pump between chasing a busy toddler and keeping up with sliced yields high demand bottle feeds. He's definitely a high-needs baby and does not like being sat down at all and I swear he eats every hour during the day. Night feeds are great with a bottle he sleeps pretty long stretches now which is nice but my goal was to be strictly breastfeeding. After being spoiled on the bottle there were a few weeks where every time he tried to breastfeed he got really frustrated and we would both give up and I would just get him a bottle. But yesterday we try it again and he likes great and then let out a big old grin showing that he was happy we're trying again. I know I'm making just a really little tiny amount but it's still something. So I hooked up to the pump when I laid down for bed. I didn't make much of anything at all but I'm trying to get that stimulation back up to see if I can get my supply going again. If anyone has any advice that be great!
24.06.2020 Нравится Ответить
It takes time mama!!! You can do this!!!
21.06.2020 Нравится Ответить
I'm here with you. His latch is great sometimes and sometimes he hurts me and I have to keep fixing it
21.06.2020 Нравится Ответить
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