Hey any of you mommas on here felt nervous when you think you pregnant again? Along with omg if I am are stable enough to raise another one. Cause right now I'm nervous and scared.
I think theres so many things for what stability means. Because unless people have savings plans and budgets and extra funds laying around the no one is ever 100% prepared for how another child is going to affect their family and lifestyle. Alot of baby items are cheap especially clothes and toys. Theres always food stamps or wic if baby food or formula is taking out too much of your budget. At he end of the day as long as the cbikdren are fed, clean, roof over their head, a place to sleep, safe and loved then thats all that matters. Plenty of women have 4-5+ kids and can do just fine whereas other people with less kids feel as if theyre in turmoil. Regardless theres 9mths to get the ball rolling to have things improve by or after baby arrives.
@amelliaholmes1457 regardless they cant take the baby from you and its a matter of what it means to you and your husband because family members can be very mean
Yea it is along with my side of the family some of tgen said that we shouldn't have anymore technically we should stop and let the ones who don't have kids yet that its there turn. Along were not financially stable and my step mom told me when you do a child your never financially stable or something like that.