Whats your opinion???Does the step mom or dad has the same right as the parent?...like the father is with someone else...The kids are with the mom but the step mom wants rights or get in the coparenting that the mom has with the dad???
3.9 года

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Depends if there bios not around then they would have to step up obviously 🤷🏼‍♀️my husband is goin to adopt mine because there dads have never been around

3.9 года Нравится Ответить



She has no rights. However, if she’s going to be in the child’s life long term she should be involved to an extent. You want her to be a good step mom and treat your child like they are their own but not necessarily “coparent”. I think that’s the best for the child too. But ultimately it’s the bio parents who should be setting rules and boundaries. If she’s genuine, I’d atleast give her some credit for caring enough to want that. Some step moms don’t give two shits. At the end of the day, it’s not her child.

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

I kind of co-parent with my bf and his daughters mom. I’m not her step mom but I may as well be and same with her mothers bf he’s not her step dad but again he may as well be and he parents her as well. But myself and her step dad have earned our rights to parent her. We treat her as if she’s our own kid, I don’t treat her any differently from the kids I birthed. I love her as if I did birth her lol we all agree on the same things depending on the situation. It just works out. My bf has a son and reality made it that he is not my step son, he does not look at me that way, I’m a stranger to him because we don’t see each other often and he just hasn’t had the time to warm up to me yet. I haven’t been in his life long. I don’t have permission from either of his parents to parent him. His mother and I do not get a long. I don’t even feel like I should have the same rights with him because I don’t want to force that on him. The situations with each kid is different, they don’t have the same mom and I have a different relationship with each mom and each kid.

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

I was with my ex he has a kid. I meet him when he was around 6 he never call me mom..i was like a friend on day his uncle told him to call me step mom it felt weird..Me and the kid agree better than me and his dad he was in my side.. her mom got mad when I move with his dad. we use to have him all weekends because the mom told his dad that I need it to see that he had a kid...no problem I was fine with it. I took him out get him food pick him and drop him to school.. and well things didn't work out. When I see him he talks to me like before good kid..and he is my kids step brother 🙂

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

How it worked when I was a step parent was mom and dad has their agreed upon parenting. And then when it came to our house. We had our set of parenting rules that didn’t interfere with mom and dads

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

No I’m a step mom and I don’t feel or do the same punishment as with my own

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

Depends if there bios not around then they would have to step up obviously 🤷🏼‍♀️my husband is goin to adopt mine because there dads have never been around

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

I think that depends on the situation. I've taken care of my step daughter sense she was 5 and so was her mom till 3 yrs ago. Maybe not at first but I definitely feel I should have the same rights. I've helped raise her for along time. She will be 18 in June and lives when us. I never adopted her. When they made a big decision about her they did that together but hubs always asked me what I thought.

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

Thats good I wouldn't mine like that..when I was a step mom I made my opinion about how he should get along with her ex or take care of his kid...but making decisions no

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

@mommy_391 yea i didn't make big decisions but he would ask for an input so I'd give that.

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

Nope. Legally they have no rights. If the step parent has been involved for a while and has a healthy relationship with the kids then by all means she can parent to an extent but at the end of the day that child's bio parents trump the steps

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

@mommy_391 yes. It is so unhealthy for the step mother to take the place in a co-parenting relationship in place of a bio. It just ends up messy and honestly just seems like a control factor from what I've seen

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

@massgirl pretty sure if the step mom steps in...the mother is going to get mad at the father and poor kids...

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

@mommy_391 just depends on the family. I work as a reunification counselor. From what I've seen it really is just healthier for step parents to no be involved in the co parenting relationship but most men are complacent or tired of dealing with the bio mom by the time the step mom comes along and they end up picking up the slack for their lazy husband

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

No, not unless they adopt them. I could also depend on the relationship the step parents have with the bio parents.

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

@mommy_391, I understand how they feel especially if the child is sharing a household with that person. I wish adults could be civil enough to have a conversation about things like that. I only have a right to the children I gave birth to. Lol

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

@amouryaya09 true I was once a step mom...i never got in to their coparenting..just drop off the kid or pick him up when his dad was working

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

@mommy_391, that’s cool that you were able to do that! I’ve known drop offs and pick ups to be a huge problem sometimes.

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