My son is 19 months and does not say any words that would indicate he is communicating. He repeats sone letters and sound , but does not initiate any conversation. When he wants something he cry’s or screams. He went to the ped last week and they are going to have him evaluated. Anyone else have experience with a late talker ?

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speech therapy helped my daughter 💛 this program called early on for 2-5 toddlers.
07.05.2020 Нравится Ответить
Thanks . He has an appointment next month ❤️
13.05.2020 Нравится Ответить
I have a video of my daughter full on saying "belly button" and pointing to hers at around 18 months she was really into communication, you could tell it's all she wanted to do.
My son is 18 months now and he says mama or dada. I can also sometimes tell when hes trying to say our dogs name "stinky" but that's it. He definitely does not care as much about communicating with words just yet. I'm not too worried. We read to him every night and converse with him the same we do our daughter, eventually he'll pick it up!
My son will point to things he wants and will nod his head yes or no. He seems to be pretty accurate with his responses at this point too so I know hes understanding what we are saying.
07.05.2020 Нравится Ответить
Thanks . My son points to some things he’s interested in but does not nod yet. He does follow some instructions and loves his tv shows and tries to repeat what they say at times lol.
13.05.2020 Нравится Ответить
Yes, my son only said Momma forever. Talking was very random until he was 3.5 He could sing better than he could talk. He was 4 by the time he started really talking, but we are just now getting solid language where we have an actual back and forth conversation at 5. I started bitching to his pediatrician at your sons age but she wasn’t hearing me. Everyone told me my son was just a late talker because he was already completing puzzles and over time he did know his colors shapes and numbers, but I knew he needed more help. You’re doing the right thing getting an evaluation now.
07.05.2020 Нравится Ответить
Thank you. He can match letters, numbers , and shapes on apps from my phone so I know he retains information. He also follows some instructions . He doesn’t consistently answer to his name and does not direct communication towards us atleast to ask for something. His evaluation is next month.
13.05.2020 Нравится Ответить
Every child is different, my 22 month old has been saying words to communicate since before he was 18 months now he is at 2-3 word sentences. How ever with my six year old she spoke some words then just stopped talking around 20 months old and used to cry and scream when unable to communicate. They refused to get her evaluated at that age for speech therapy. I had to take her to a private pathologist who decided to treat her she took speech from when she was 24 months to 4 years old. My best friends son didn’t say a word until he was almost 3 and it didn’t require any therapy. Every child it’s different and your son it’s still young, one thing I did learn from my daughter taking speech therapy was that they teach them basic sign language just for the to at least communicate their needs so we did that with our son just Incase.
07.05.2020 Нравится Ответить
Thank you . I’ll try to work with him on some sign language in the meantime so he is not screaming when he wants something. We have an evaluation next month to see what they recommend for him.
13.05.2020 Нравится Ответить
He’s still really young to be saying full on words .. my daughter only says a couple words clearly but she has full on conversations but we don’t understand her yet
07.05.2020 Нравится Ответить
Ok thanks. My mom is very concerned and said he should be saying more.
13.05.2020 Нравится Ответить
My oldest was and is the same she didn’t say a word until she was 4 and now she never shuts up lol 😆 I wouldn’t worry about it too much yours is still very young
07.05.2020 Нравится Ответить
Thanks ❤️ did she get speech therapy or did she just talk on her own ?
13.05.2020 Нравится Ответить
@expectinggreatness, she’s catching up pritty fast now finally after her 4th birthday. I wasn’t really too worried about it because we’re not doing preschool or daycare so I have plenty time still too work with her. She can’t be quiet forever lol 😆
13.05.2020 Нравится Ответить
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