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my daughter is my whole world and she's all I need to keep breathing 💚💚💚 everyday she melts my I've cold heart and show me that no everyone in this world is shitty 💜💜💜 I've been through so much shit that there was a point that I didn't wanna be here anymore, the day I found out I was pregnant I was crying with joy this was another chance I could be a mom, yes I was afraid of having another miscarriage just the thought of it happening again made me so broken and fragile 💔 every kick I felt made me happier and more alive 😍😍 the first time I held my baby girl was the first time I realized I had a reason to live and keep breathing I made a promise to always be there and have my daughter's back no matter what happens 💕💞 she's my forever and always 😘

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