I had extreme pain in my stomach/left side about 5 days ago. I was in bed for 2 days, threw up the first 5 hours and couldn’t eat anything. I called and they told me to get tested for coronavirus as I was having extreme pain, 99.6 temp.
The next morning I’m feeling much better and decide not to get tested.
Today I start feeling this extreme pain again. It’s so uncomfortable I can’t do anything but lay down and pray it goes away. I’m wondering if I should get tested for coronavirus? Anyone had anything similar happen? Pain to the point of being sick

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I had/have pain similar to you. I went to the er a while back. Got a cat scan turns out my intestines are swollen and I might have gallstones 😔😕
23.04.2020 Нравится Ответить
Coronavirus is a respiratory virus so it shouldn’t affect the stomach right? Maybe you have a UTI. Have you had a urine test?
22.04.2020 Нравится Ответить
👋🏻 I was told it could be inflammation. I was told by my doctor to head to the ER.
22.04.2020 Нравится Ответить
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