I started getting these a few days back & their getting this ugly now. They don’t hurt at all. But they are spreading. I haven’t had the chance to get my iron checked . But 1/2 years back I had this problem and it was due to my iron , but now I really don’t know.
@simply_mee Start out light. I recently got back in to my work out routine(I've always been an athlete and very big into working out). Unfortunately I got back in to things far too quickly and I'm paying for it. I was feeling great and amped up this past week just to have my knee(see my posts) go out on me for unknown reasons. Working out and riding bike are the only reasons I can think of. I know better and though I'm not a trainer have educated and helped so many people with achieving fitness goals and am so irritated with myself atm. Anyways, I'd you want ideas let me know. Apparently I am better at helping others than myself. Doesn't help my husband has a go getter personality and was helping me push. Oops... Lol.
@simply_mee So here is one thing that helps.... Sound silly but helps the whole body- get a pair of Crocs to wear in doors. We NEVER wear shoes in the house unless they are dedicated indoor shoes. Since buying a pair for indoor use my feet, legs, back, etc have improved so much. Get your body moving. You can do a full routine inside on your living room floor with the kids included. I can help you with that. I'm sorry I didn't stick to that a little longer before hitting it hard on my gym equipment.