⏰ Relationship length:
Nearly 7 years 🙊
❤️ Who was interested first:
We both showed interest straight away 💕
🧓🏻 Who’s older:
Daz 💕
👵🏼 Age difference:
5 years 🙊
👆🏼 Who’s taller:
Dazzy but not by much 😂
🤬 Worst Temper:
Me for sure 👀
🤫 Loudest:
It really depends 😂
😂 Funniest:
Again it totally depends!
✋🏽 Most Stubborn:
He is! For sure 😌
😴 Falls asleep first:
It changes from day to day! ❤️
🥘 Cooks better:
💉Has the most tattoos:
We both don’t have any 😔
🤓Biggest geek:
Both of us
❤️Has the biggest heart:
Me 1000%
🙂Most patient: