I'm planning on doing home schooling with Faye, I'm ordering some books and learning packs. I'm just not sure how this is gonna work she hardly sits still and needs to be up all of the time. Since not being at nursery she wants attention every single second, also she wants my partners attention 24/7 she just wants to play all day long. I can't get her to sit and eat much. When he isn't here she's a bit more chilled but when he's here she's constantly all over. (Atm he's staying since I'm not very well) I'm not sure how I'm gonna be able to get her to sit down and focus. She gets up at 7am and she might sit done one or twice a day for all of five mins. I have some health issues like endometriosis which is quite bad recently and hormonal migraines which are becoming more frequent. Also I'm under alot of stress worrying about my mam who hasn't left her room since December (her partner passed), I literally can not give her attention all day long I'm finding it so hard to try and find stuff to entertain her all day. She plays with stuff here and there she doesn't play with much for long. Is anyone elses children like this? And if so and you are doing home schooling how do you get them to focus?

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It is a good idea been doing this with my son
23.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
Also remember a lot is learnt through games and play ❤️ she doesn’t have to be sitting down still to do things 😊

You can do drawing, art etc! Singing! There’s a few phonics songs! Xx
23.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
First of all don’t stress over it hun ❤️😊

Take each day as it comes! Don’t be strict on yourself to do certain tasks 😊 She’s only young! Even 10 mins is fine! You can gradually build up the time and what you do :) did 20 mins of phonics with Maya this morning and that’s all we have done lol 😆

23.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
That's true, yea I'm gonna do about 10/20 mins each day see how things go. Yea I suppose so, just feels like every day she's bored doesn't matter what we do. Xx
23.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
23.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
@beebeejgill thanks I'm gonna join now xxx
23.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
Following. My sons the same, we're up around 6 every morning and he doesn't stop. He needs to be played with constantly. We got the paints out yesterday, he paints for maybe 15 minutes and gets bored. We make cakes and he kicks off that they're in the oven for ten minutes to cook before he can ice them. I thought of getting some basic phonics books with the letter tracing in them but even getting him to write his name in a card is a struggle as his attention span is so short. You're definitely not alone x
23.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
Faye's the same with paints and colouring. Its like all day long and with all what's going on I can't take her anywhere. Even playing in the garden she's out for 5 mins then wants to go somewhere else or play something else. She's got a bedroom packed with toys but shows hardly any interest. That's what I was thinking with the books xx
23.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
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