Omg I have the same craving for the past week but not all brands are created equally with cookies n cream ice cream so I requested specific type of brands to have.... this my favorite ice cream btw🙌🏿
@mindylynn It’s my favorite as well. Blue bell is the only one I buy that’s the best brand ice cream ever created in my opinion because they give you the real flavored cookies an the real flavored ice cream unlike other brands that have the nice looking packaging for ice cream just to get you to buy because of its looks they ice cream literally taste like cardboard an other crap which is why I stick to my original brand I go with what I know.
@queenbitch, Ikr me too they should see where you’re coming from an do it for you. An omg yesss I been having some really painful movements myself especially today literally took me by surprise I know I’m just ready for this all to be over with.
@mikidsfirst, I’m still waiting on a call back from my doctor but I’m gonna call back tomorrow
Omg it’s painful to even walk
I’m not even sure how shes laying
I’m so ready for her to be here