Passing by my due date 😩 getting discouraged & emotional. If she’s not here by Monday have to get induced ugh 😑 so uncomfortable and just so ready to have this baby!!!! Any suggestions to help get labor going?!?!
I tried sooo many things. BUT lots of exercise helps your body. I feel like everything I did the 2 weeks before birth helped me with pushing, healing and more. But it wasn't untill we went mudding that I finally had contractions that dialated me. I was 11 days late. I was stuck at 2-3cm for almost a MONTH
Ugh I know the feeling. I was overdue with both my boys. First one my water started leaking 3 days past due and I had him at 1:01am on day 4 and my 2nd I was induced at 41 weeks.
Is sex an option?
Walking, I actually went walking around the mall the day my water started leaking. It was about 12 hours later.
Walk walk walk! Spicy food and sex. Bumpy car ride. Stairs. With my first once I hit 37 weeks I drank raspberry leaf tea And drank it all through labor it eased the pain