Ok so when a toddlers molars pop through can they get sick and get a fever? I just noticed my sons back molar popped and yesterday I had to pick him up from daycare because he had a fever. He was sooo miserable yesterday but today he’s completely fine is eating fine and no fever. Now I have a feeling he might of been sick because of his molars coming in, is that possible?

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My understanding is that a fever associated with teething and should be low grade if at all. If it’s over 100 then he probably had something else going on
21.02.2020 Нравится Ответить
His highest fever was only 100.1 and it only lasted a couple hours so I’m hoping it’s just teething, the doctor said to just keep an eye on him and bring him in if it gets worse I was just curious if it was teething or a virus
21.02.2020 Нравится Ответить
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