Ok mommies....i have a 3 month old with a cold. I also have a 5 year old who has had a cold for several weeks now. The doctor says just wait it out, tylenol ibuprofen lots of rest. I am sick of waiting it out my 5 year old has missed 2 weeks of preschool and was sick on her birthday so we didn't have a party. Now my little man is sick and miserable. He is coughing constantly. He chokes after he eats and has trouble breathing even after I suction his nose out. He wont sleep anywhere but on my chest upright. We have made 2 trips in 2 days to the ER ,(no flu, no rsv ) once for flu testing the other by ambulance because he wasn't breathing right. His cough sounds like he is struggling. The doctors treat me like im overreacting but this is scary for me and frustrating that 2 of my 3 children are sick! We've done all the things....humidifier, vicks on feet and chest, vicks vaporizer plug ins. Nothing helps. Now my 8 year olds cough is starting back up. Help! We have a doctor's appointment monday but they dont seem to be concerned with the fact that these kids arent getting better. Any safe homeopathic treatments you guys use?