I just got out the hospital; 3rd time them stopping “preterm labor”. Each time I feel fine, I go to a scheduled doctor visit ...recently I’ve been noticing the NST cause me to experience more contractions. Lying on my back for 30+ mins because the twins are so active they keep me on for long periods of time. In doing so, my already uncomfortable contraction become more uncomfortable... then they send me to the hospital. I leave the dr office head to hospital and they put me on the monitors for more time still having a hard time getting the babies heart beats because they move away from the monitors. It’s like they can feel the bands and sensors and they really can’t hate it. The contractions then begin to wrap around my back, down my pelvic, and up my stomach. It hurts so much I literally will be balling my eyes out. .... the first time I was given magnesium and 2 doses of steroid injections, second time I was given nifedipine , third time I was given the 2 doses of steroids again, and 2 does of nifedipine again. First and third time I was admitted . Second time I was in triage too long and asked to be sent home.
Today my doctor asked me if I wanted to stay at the hospital or go home. I told her straight up idk, I don’t really understand these contractions. Situations only progress when I’m on the monitors I feel. But they keep putting me on them. ... all I can think I’ve never experienced this before. I’m starting to feel like they are unsure about the best decisions To make for my case & for me and they aren’t presenting it in a way that I can understand whats happening, why it’s happening, I’m now becoming super Uncomfortable and concerned.
I told my doctor Monday my concerns his first mind was to have them admit me the his second mind was to see what the specialist thought. He came back to me and his decision was he thinks I’m fine babies look good and for me to come in Thursday to see the perinatologist. I come in Thursday and I tell her I don’t feel baby A as much as I use to. she first was advising me that the babies are fine and moving everything looks good. Then says am I feeling my contractions, “yess”. But aren’t I supposed to feel them. She Sends me to hospital for “possible delivery”. No explanation really and I guess it’s self explanatory but what’s the rhyme and reason. You telling me out one mouth babies are fine everything looks good - then you sending me to hospital - are these not Braxton-Hicks??. I tell just about every doctor- I don’t understand this contraction stuff. Because for me what I think isn’t normal they telling me it is, what I think is normal apparently is not. They tell me everything is fine then send me to hospital.
This is my first time around the rodeo. I don’t know what to look for and my past experiences in this pregnancy haven’t been anything text book I’m guessing cause there is ever an explanation behind any decisions just decisions being made that don’t really seem clear and concise.
I’m 34 weeks and five days with DiDi twins.
I’m anxious and confused and worried.