Hello moms I wanna share something with you thinking that it might save a little one health !until the age of 3 my son used to eat anything I gave him !its been two years he didn’t wanted to eat anything other than boiled egg apple potato and yogurt !i struggled a lot nothing worked !i Cooked different food ,went to dieticians!everything nothing worked !today when I went to groceries I saw the baby jar foods that he used to love when he was 9months!i bought one thinking that it’s waste again !i tried today he refused !i tried to put into his mouth with the help of my husband so he can remember the taste !i noticed he kinda chew it but then took out !i told him mom will give you a big car if you eat !he did not eat !i then said ok you take money and go buy yourself !today my son ate for the first time after two years a bull bowl of food !i am not planning to feed him from zero and then introduce him slowly slowly the food again !i know the money was not a great idea but it’s life saving for me as he had a blood problem due to poop diet !i am planning to buy a box and put the reward inside then once he gets familiar with the taste and texture I will change the reward in something else but not money:like if you eat you can watch tv ,go park etc !i have tears in my eyes !i won’t ever forget this day !i really hope this will work other moms too !its better to start from zero even if your child it’s big now !better than nothing !i hope everyone will understand me and not criticise!live to you all !god bless you all !i know each mom it’s best for her child and I wanted to share my happiness today !also today he made this for mom and dad at reception class !i am so proud
4.1 года

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I know how hard it can be with a "fussy eater " anything can be an accomplishment " well done mummy

4.1 года Нравится Ответить



I know how hard it can be with a "fussy eater " anything can be an accomplishment " well done mummy

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

Thank you mom 💐

4.1 года Нравится Ответить