Jasmin Gordon
Jasmin Gordon
Moms I'm having an emotional break down!!!! My baby girl was born 5lbs5oz went to the doctor today and she is 4lbs16oz we have to come back Friday to do a weight check again I breast pump and give her formula from the hospital... Could it be my breast milk her father is blaming me I'm doing my best

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Mama keep breastfeeding. It's normal for them to drop weight. PM me if you need and help of questions
11.02.2020 Нравится Ответить
Thank you and I sure will inbox you with some questions some time tomorrow
11.02.2020 Нравится Ответить
@jasminsmith782 ok I'm a Postpartum Doula as well. I'm here to help 🥰
11.02.2020 Нравится Ответить
Keep at it, try to relax, stressing and blaming isnt going to help you with milk production and baby will sense it as well. You're doing great, and I'm sure everything will be fine. 🙂
11.02.2020 Нравится Ответить
Thank you
11.02.2020 Нравится Ответить
It’s normal for them
To lose weight my babies always lost weight by the time it was time to go home and at our 1st visit still was under they birth weight it happens. It has nothing to do with breast milk nor formula so don’t pay him
Any mind that’s soo uneducated and insensitive of him to say something as such . Just keep feeding your baby mommas . My daughter was born 6 pounds went home 5 pounds and to this day and
She’s 1 now I hear she’s under weight !! But guess what she’s been sitting by herself since 4 months crawling since 6 and she’s been walking since 9 months !! She also
Just turned 1 and she can point out her body parts when asked . She’s doing way more than what she supposed and always been that way so so what if a baby is under weight long as they healthy and accomplishing what they’re supposed to is all that really matters love ❤️❤️
11.02.2020 Нравится Ответить
Thank you for the advice and giving me some relief
11.02.2020 Нравится Ответить
It’s normal for them to lose a little weight after birth.
11.02.2020 Нравится Ответить
My son had to go to weight checks for two weeks. Feeding is new to babies and sometimes it takes them a bit longer. Absolutely do NOT let anyone blame yourself!! If your dr isn’t worried, just follow their directions. I fed my son every 2 hours, even at night. He didn’t eat a ton every time but it was more of a slow and steady type of situation. You can do it! Your baby is a whole new person. It takes a little bit to get to know one another.
11.02.2020 Нравится Ответить
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