THE ABC'S OF YOU - Come on, play along

Age - 28
Bed Size - double
Cat name - none
Dog name - none
Essential start of your day - sorting milk out
Favorite color - pink
Ghosts exist - yes
Height - 5ft 2
Instruments you played in school -can't rember.
Job Title - fitness instructor
Kids - 1
Longest relationship - 3 years 4months
Most annoying job - I loved argos at the stock room but it was annoying on the till 😂
Night Owl - nope
Overnight Hospital stay - for a week thought I had a stroke and when I had ruben
Quiet time hobby - erm playing games 😂 unless I'm on the head set
Right or Left handed - right
Siblings - 1 step brother, 1 sisters
Top 2 TV shows you watch - Holly oaks. What evers on Netflix
Vacation - tenerife
Worst day of the week - I enjoy Tuesday but It really tires me out by the end of the day
XBox - No
Yummy food you like - Indian takeaway
Zoo favorites - polo bears, penguins and flamingos

Please play along. I love seeing everyone's answers
4.2 года

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