Thank you ladies!! He decided he was ready and he went without pants for a bit yesterday. I didn’t realize he should be totally naked. So sounds like we may turn up the heat and be nice for a few days. I really appreciate you sharing!!!
We let her wear chonies so there’s not too much of a tinkle mess, but she immediately stops to look down at her crotch and buckles at the knees before she has to go 😄 she’s so animated
I’m currently training my 3 yo boy . We didn’t do pull ups , we tried regular kid boxers and took him to the toilet a few times till he got it like 2 days . He’s already been knowing what the toilet is for he was just afraid to use it lol he would have accidents on all the underwear till I let him be naked he stopped having accidents during the day . He also tells me when he has to go #2 but makes me wait outside lol He still wears a diaper at night but we’re still not in week two of this . So he’s doing really good :) I would try the naked method for sure
@jess_e_98 I used the regular toilet. But I let them lead the way.
And no, night time they were in a pull up. That's a whole other ball game. My youngest just recently stopped using a pull-up to sleep since he started waking up when he felt the urge to go.
@bodybycheetos, we just tried again this morning and I felt like I was just trying to catch it with the potty before it hit the floor. Maybe he isn’t totally ready just getting ready. 🤷♀️