I miss these girls!!!
So I started a new job when I left my husband, the job required 1 eek of training in Indiana so I went and missed my girls but learned a lot for the job. When I came back I realized how behind I was on everything so I let his parents take them with them to texas just till march!
Honestly I can't wait in April I love to houston im praying i get approved for the apartment next week that way when I get there I drop my stuff off and head to rio grand valley just to pick them up and take em home.
I have a new job, I started school, I'm trying to get an apartment and all for my girls I am proud of myself! Just cause I ended my marriage doesn't mean I have to give up on my future with my daughters ❤
I'm sorry I had to let this out. I deleted all social media but this, only because I'm a mom and I know all you moms are here with good advice and no drama.