so today my toddler lost my phone outside while we were walking to a wic appointment. Luckily we were contacted by the person who found the phone and we met up for it to be returned. But 10 mins later we were rear ended super hard, the guy was literally going full speed as we were stopped at a red light. we're about to go to the emergency room now but I'm curious as to whether I have to replace my daughter's carseat or not? only damage to the vehicle was the bumper is a tad bit hanging off

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@dankerson, whoever is at fault’s insurance should pay for it. When your grandma calls them to make an insurance claim she just needs to tell them they need to pay for a replacement car seat as well. You may have to turn the car seat into the body shop that is doing the estimate for damage and repairing it because they will bill insurance and can bill for the car seat as well. That’s how I had to do it when I was in a wreck
22.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
Yes and file through insurance so they pay for it
22.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
Yes. Any accidents. You can try filing through your car insurance and see if they'll replace it possibly.
22.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
thank you. we were with my gma so I'll let her know to ask her insurer
22.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
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