Eh I’m disagreeing with a lot of this. Dads don’t “babysit” they watch their own kids. And if that’s all a dad does it shouldnt just be dealt with. In a two parent home the dad AND mom need to help eachother. It’s a team. When I was with my kids father I expected him to not just “babysit” but help with chores and such. A simple conversation can be had too. Yes you chose to have a baby with the man but he also chose to have a baby with you.
I’m pretty sure the person is a single mom and just because she thinks the father of her kids is only good for babysitting doesn’t mean that another person can’t take this post and decide what their baby daddy is good for instead of “babysitting” also don’t nit pick she used the wrong word o well y’all knew what she meant.
@shaniiced, even with parents split up a dad shouldn’t just be a babysitter. Dads should pick up the slack too. I know that’s not always the case but he took part in making the child he should take part in parenting. As mothers we shouldn’t just deal with fathers doing the bare minimum (not deadbeats.)
And I did clarify some of what I said was referring to parents who are together.
I mean there’s a few things that I agree with and a few I disagree with here. As I don’t know the history and relationship of these people I can’t really speak on what’s written.