We’re still in the 4-5 short naps a day and he’s 5.5 months. Starting to drop the first nap in favor of sleeping longer in the morning. Hoping that means we’ll consolidate afternoon naps soon!
My daughter takes about 2- 3 naps a day if she wakes up at 5-6am then she’ll go back to sleep until 8ish if she doesn’t wake up then she sleeps till about that time. One naps around 12pm then another around maybe 4-5pm then she’s up until 9pm sleeps all night until hungry for a bottle. I feed my daughter frequently since she only gets 5-6oz or she will puke them up, sooo she gets usually a 5oz bottle every 2 hours sometimes an hour I feed in demand so whenever she tells e she’s hungry but she eats A LOT during the day. At night maybe 2 times at the most once at 2am and again around 5-6am but sometimes she sleeps through the whole night!