I know I haven’t been on here in forever and I hope all my mommas are doing awesome. But I need help I need some answers.
Greyson grabbed my left boob Saturday night and I was just in about tears from the pain, I lifted my shirt and grabbed my boob. Well it was like a shot of puss came out of my nipple and it hurts like a bitch(excuse my mouth) no blood so I was like maybe a pimple! But my boob not just my nipple hurts. I was just in the shower in the burning hot water and I squeezed my boobs and what do you know they both have milk. So my question is why the hell do I still have milk should I take a test? I have been getting the shot and I just decided not to get it anymore last week. So I need answers! I have an ob appointment on the 23rd but someone please give me some answers