Should I Prioritize Work or My Friend in a Diabetic Coma?

Was suppose to work to fill in for someone today at my job that's sick, until yesterday my only best friend mother called my job to tell me she's in a diabetic coma, i broke down i just seen her over Christmas break she came to see me and my kids, now her mom is going to ny this evening on bus and i want to see her i asked my boss through text still no respond now im a pharmacy technician i feel like they should pull ppl who work at other stores that's off who wants to work idk but im so emotional idk what ill do If they say i can't im suppose to be off anyways today originally smh

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I cried myself to sleep
10.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
Can you just see her after work?
10.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
No i cant i go in at 5 the bus leaves at 530 plus her mom is paying my way up there cause my funds are low until next Friday so ill be able to pay my way back
10.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
I honestly wouldn’t have even asked . I would have TOLD them I’m going and I’m sorry to leave em hanging but this is much more important . But I’ve also never been a pharmacy tech so I don’t know how that works with you guys . I feel if it was already your day off and you were just helping out then they can’t hold that against you . It’s not like you just woke up and decided you no longer felt like working .
10.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
@coffeebean lol exactly!! My boss texts me back like omg im so sorry i half read what u said yes you can have off im sorry im like oh i didnt know u had a heart in my mind though
10.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
@donjanea_luv, lmfaooo you know ?! At least you got it without catching shit though !
10.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
@coffeebean lol RIGHT
10.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
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