Just curious about if any of you moms have had miscarriages or stillbirths. How was your bleeding after?
#I know some moms dont like talking about it and sorry for asking but im just curious about the experience you had.
I had two a molor and a blighted ovum, neither ik it was happening till the doc told me the first I bleed for weeks and cramped after wards the second one I only bleed for a few days no cramping [very little] but both ended in d&c
I’ve had 2 miscarriages. My first was very early on. 5 weeks. I cramped all night, felt sick to my stomach, than bled ALOT that next morning in the shower. I categorized it as a period x 5. It’s was a horrible amount. When I went into the doctors 30minutes later, my hcg level was dropped to a 2 so that was able to let me know that I miscarried everything at home. I bled like a period for about 3-4 more days.
My 2nd miscarriage was a missed miscarriage. I was 8 weeks. I never bled on my own so I opted for a D&C. I spotted for a couple days after. But we later found out that the first D&C that I did in clinic was unsuccessful so I had a repeat D&C surgery done in the hospital that next month. I bled like a medium period for about 3 days.
i had a miscarriage at 16 weeks, after my induction i bleed for about a week w fairly heavy bleeding. it slowed down after that to like a light period and stayed that way for maybe another week and a half before the bleeding stopped.