My son was born 3weeks early and had trouble gaining weight. We had trouble getting a good latch bc his mouth was so small and my boobs practically suffocated him so we decided to supplement. Then there was nipple confusion and lots of spitting up so we switched formulas and started using the Tommee Tippee bottles a friend gave us. They are like a Dr. Brown's but have wider nipples. My little guy has started having more tummy issues so I decided to go strictly formula for a little while (my first 2 kids had a lactose intolerance) to see if that helps. He is still having issues so I want to try changing bottles before we switch formula. I'm clueless when it comes to bottles and there are soooo many options.
I have hopes of continuing BFing once this is sorted out so I'd like something that's breastfeeding friendly and good for colic and gas.
*Sorry for being that mom lol*
We went with Dr Browns. My daughter was also colic and had tons of issues with gas and pooping. Dr browns seemed to work well and helped a bit with her gas. I also recommend the gas drops 🙌🏼
We used Nuk bottles. My son struggled a lot with nursing, and when he would get overwhelmingly fussy at the breast, I would just give him breast milk in his Nuk bottles. (I also pumped because nursing was so challenging for us).
We started my girls with dr brown bottles first and because of leaking and continuing gas problems we switched to playtex ventair bottles. They were great. We had soooo much less gas with them. I'm not sure how well it would be to go between breastfeeding and this particular bottle as my girls never latched so I exclusively pumped. But they were great bottles for my littles.
Avent!! They have smaller nipples then the Tommy tippee. They helped me a lot! My daughter had a hard time with the Tommy tippee that's for sure. And Nuk natural fit. I hope he's able to eat better with these options. Sweet baby. 💕
Thank you! He actually does well with the tommee tippee nipples , he gets super frustrated with the smaller and regular nipples. We were using the premade bottles and ended up just pouring them into another bottle. I'm not sure what about the bottle isn't working if anything. It could just be that he is eating too fast. I use slow flow and he will suck it down anyways and acts like he is still starving.