This happened to me with my second baby! She tried at 30 weeks and they almost couldn’t stop it. Luckily they did and I just had to take it very easy the next few weeks to keep her in there. She lasted til the morning I hit 37 weeks. So JUST made it to the finish line. Praying you can at least have the same and baby holds on just a couple more weeks 💜🙏🏼
@coffeebean im doing okay just the after math lol waiting on some ibuprofen atm 😫 woke up kinda hurting , they ended up taking him to the nicu bc he had gotten some fluids in his lungs and was having trouble keeping his oxygen up so other then that hopefully every thing is fine i went up last night after i had him and i felt dizzy couldnt stand long, ig due to all the blood loss so i just came back down to rest some before i went back up
@mrshammons161718, good idea, get lots of rest and let the nurses handle him while they’re available ❤️ glad it all went good and hopefully he’s doing well today also!