So for the past 2 days now I've been getting cramps. Like I have to poop. And I have gone but not every time. Sometimes I'm there for nothing. I've heard that that can be a sign of labor. Was this true for anyone?
My early labors have started with needing the bathroom until I'm empty lol
15.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
lol then you’re good. I thought I was gonna die on the way to the hospital 😂
15.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
I’ve heard it’s a sign of labor. The morning I gave birth with my second I had intense pressure in my privates and almost had her in the car (and there was poo cause one of the nurses there’s was new and told me)😱😱😱 but it was brought on by cramps. She was out less that 6mins after I got to the hospital.