rose trahan
rose trahan
Hey ladies I am back again!
Need help on behavioral problems with my 3yr old

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Every time she starts acting up take a toy from under the tree or start bagging her toys up and make her earn them back and when she gets a nasty attitude or tell u no take a toy I bet she won’t want a empty tree 🌲 when I tell them I’ll take there shit back they get in check
10.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
So the “no” is pretty typical at this age. As far as the tantrums can u ignore her. I found that trying to get my kids to calm down during the tantrums only made it worse. I would let them go and when they were done with it I’d talk to them and try to explain why this behavior isn’t ok. I know it’s hard but sometimes when we feed into it it increases the length and severity of the tantrum ya know? I mean those types of behaviors are pretty normal for her age. U have to use trial and error to find out what works for her and u as far as consequences for her bad behavior. Once u figure out what works best for this then u need to let the babysitters know and it all has to be very consistent as far as the consequences ya know? 3&4 were very tough ages. Everyone talks about terrible twos but don’t mentions 3&4 cause imo they were worse. Good luck and keep up with whatever works for u two
10.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
Hey nice to see your back! Hope your okay!! What I do with Mckenzie I just ignore little bad behaviour but if he’s having a full on tantrum and kicking and being really naughty then I’ll just pick him up place him in his room and lock his gate, he tends to calm down and then I go up explain why he was put in his room and he says sorry and he gives me a kiss and a hug then he comes back down x
10.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
I have done time outs and her calm down area is her bedroom
I've also tried taking things away like her tablet and toys.
I have and we've gone to 3 therapist appointments I was asked to record her reaction to see what I could do to help. Or what exactly triggers the violence, not all of the tantrums are violent but she has about 7 bad ones a day I've had to take off of work 10 days out of the past 2 weeks because no babysitter can handle her behavior
10.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
Hey girl! What’s going on with Karen?
10.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
Hey so I've been looking at different ways to react to her bad behaviors and she just seems to be getting worse and worse when it comes to the word "no" or "not right now" or "your not supposed to be doing that" she's been having violent temper tantrums hurting either herself or me it's gotten to the point where I have to hold her arms and legs till she calms down because otherwise I'm afraid of her hurting herself
10.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
@karensmommy, what punishments do you do? I’d Maby try a time out, or give her a “calm down” area. 3 year olds are hard, terrifying threes lol.
Have you talked with her pediatrician about this yet?
10.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
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