It’s all up to you but don’t feel bad if you need it. If you have a high pain tolerance you should be good. And when you get induced it makes the pains so much worse then when your not induced. I have not once had and epidural for any of my kids. I have a semi pain tolerance but I refused it no matter how bad the pain got. I knew it would all go away once my lil one was born. Was totally worth it all.
I would wait til you’re in labor. The first time wasn’t super painful but I was induced the second time and that shit was horrible. They couldn’t give me an epidural fast enough. 😂😂
Whichever. I wanted to do a medication free birth so bad for my first son but things happened differently. I had a great doctor. He told me not to feel bad for getting an epidural because we are strong to even carry and birth a baby anyhow. With my second I was prepared that if I needed an epidural I was going to have one without feeling bad about it. I had that baby naturally. Different strokes for different folks. That is your decision to make but I just don't want you to feel bad for whichever one you choose.
It’s all up to you! If you can handle it and go natural go for it! But if you can’t and need to get the epidural go for it!! Every body is different. We can’t tell you what to do!
@sharmainesteele, I was able to go natural my first time even though I was induced. I’m hoping to do the same this time around but just waiting to see how it goes! Good luck momma!