These are all Great, I love seeing there faces light up Christmas morning to see what they received.
My 11 year old is getting: An electric scooter, Hatchimals, this huge Lollipop thing she asked for (lol I forgot the name of it), Lego's, Drawing supplies & a few more items.
My 3 year old is getting: A Power wheel Motorcycle, Lego's, Ryan toy items & a few more items.
Life size godzilla
Knex dragon roller coaster set
We bought a switch but we opened it early haha we were to excited to wait so he has some games for it.
We need to finish shopping for him
The 1 year old is getting a little people farm, these magnetic building blocks (rated for 12 months+), a keyboard, a wood stacking toy penguin, a snail spinner, a b. Toys ride-along bee, a play shopping cart with groceries, rain boots, and an alligator pull toy (holy crap I didn’t realize I got so much stuff until I just typed it all out 😐)
The 2 year old is getting an OG doll from target with a pajama set and hospital set, a 3- wheeled scooter, rainboots, a set of puzzles, a train set, a shark fishing game, a Barbie, and slime. (I’ve spent more $ on her but I’m wondering if she’s going to feel like she got less)
Film for her camera that her father bought for her lol. This year we kept it simple. My dh and I are not even giving gifts to one another. I also made diy gifts for family to cut cost.
2019 has been a crazy ride lol
My 11 year old is getting: An electric scooter, Hatchimals, this huge Lollipop thing she asked for (lol I forgot the name of it), Lego's, Drawing supplies & a few more items.
My 3 year old is getting: A Power wheel Motorcycle, Lego's, Ryan toy items & a few more items.