Gabrielle Freidly
Gabrielle Freidly
Advice needed!!! So my boyfriend and I have been TTC for months, he has low sperm count so it's not as easy as we'd like. My period is usually all over but always within a 20-28 day cycle. My period in Aug was 4 days and 22 days until I got my next period, September was 5 days and 25 days until I got my period, October was 5 days and 20 days my last period was Nov 5th, it's been 30 days since and no period, not under any extra stress than before no major changes. But I do feel SUPER tired, I feel like cussing everyone out more than usual and I been hungry alot. Usually when I get my period my face breaks out and my face is normal. My question is how long do I wait to take a test?

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I would test now
05.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
Was supposed to start the 1st , but since it's a app I let it go and was gonna see. My boyfriends doctor said dd's hed have a 5 % chance with how low his sperm is but he had his daughter after that with his ex wife.. we are scheduled for IVF in January.
05.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
I track it all on glow app .
05.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
You should get an accurate result if you test now. I’d suggest using OPKS to track your cycle as it doesn’t seem to be regular, they’ll help you pin point the day that you ovulate.
04.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
I’d test now.
Based off your periods it seems like you could be anywhere from 3/5wks. If so it should show on a test.
04.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
I'd test now. With fmu
04.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
I also suggest tracking your cycle. I use an app called Clue, it tracks and adjusts to the data you put into it. This way you can start using ovulation tests.
04.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
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