Anyone find out they had HPV after tubal ligation or had an abnormal result come back on sections of tubes removed?

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Thanks ladies, I hope so too! I always jump to worst case scenario but I'm going to try to think positive until after the test.
04.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
That cysts is prolly what they wanna look more into ... I'm so sorry you had this news . Like @garay88 says . Abnormalities often are just an alarm . And looking into it it may very well come back that u dont have anything to worry about ... hope this to be true for you .
04.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
I am hpv positive but I don’t have anything wrong with me . N I’ve had it for a long time
04.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
Maybe not HPV hun . Any growth that is not scar tissue is abnormal . I hope u get answers soon . Xo . Dont stress . abnormalities dosnt always mean u have anything to worry about ... happy ur doctor is working fast and getting you in to be seen ...
04.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
Well I have never tested positive for hpv before and I have been with the same man for 9 years. The doctor didn't tell me I have HPV but he said something to his nurse about HPV and told me I need to come back for a colposcopy which from what I understand pretty much means I do have it and am being tested for cervical cancer?
My tubes had cysts one of which seemed to be of concern.
04.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
poiznivy I know! And my doctor never really explains much of anything and I thought nothing of it until I looked up what the procedure was. I thought he meant they were testing for hpv .☹️
04.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
You can catch HPV from any wart . Wart carry HPV abnormal cells that carry cancers . A wart on the finger can go to ur vag and be HPV. It's not HPV cause it's on sex organs. Its HPV being the cancer cell the wart carries
04.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
That makes me feel so much better. I have been freaking out all afternoon. Ever since I was a kid though I have gotten warts on my hands that come and go.
04.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
@poiznivy exactly ... some may have carried the virus. The ones u catch and spread fast are normally carriers of the HPV ... like u have one wart on ur finger . Or there are some whom have there hands full . Usually now that we know more the ones that spread fast are more so the one that carry HPV.
04.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
@poiznivy this is also a fact that the warts that just leave without being burned off or frozen . also are known to carry HPV . Planter warts on feet also carry HPV. HPV is actully a anywart . Cause any wart can turn to cancer cells .
04.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
No I am not saying it came from the surgery, I'm saying I didn't know I had it until after I had the surgery. I also found out that the sections of my tubes that were removed tested abnormal.
04.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
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