I swear my mother abuses me EMOTIONALLY n 😭😭my daughter came crying after she spend 14 hours with her dad n his family his mom n his sister so i let him take her he dident nap her i told him why dident u ,she gonna be faisty he brought her home first thing ma daughter starts crying for ahour well cuz she tired but yet dosent wanna go to sleep but u know kids sometimes act like this.so ma daughter crying she comes in ma room n screams at me n saying fuken stupid mother n starts tslking shit of my ex like is her damn ex n scream infront of my child while ma child is crying n she screaming n telling ma dad iam abitch ass mom n the only reason i left her go is cuz so i can be free n not worry of her r u kidding i hardly let her go with her dad n when i do iam a bad parent wtf so she tskes my child away from me n i told her dont touch my child she brings back ma daughter n like trowing her to me pretty much n pushing me n pulling ma hair all cuz i left my ex take her .is not a good day 😭😭so depress3d i swear