I really really want to let my daughter self wean. That's been the plan since day one. But somewhere along the way, around the time she turned 13 months she ended up sleeping with us at night. I don't know exactly how it happened, I just know we struggled from 4 months to 13 months to get her to sleep in the crib and we lost majorly. Before anyone jumps in about co sleeping, just know I hate cosleeping. I hate myself for this being where it landed after trying so hard to keep her out of our bed. But most importantly I hate how cosleeping is making me resent breastfeeding. She's almost 18 months now, and she bites,kicks, pinches the nipple she's not currently biting/nursing on, climbs all over me etc. all night long. I can't take it much longer. I get up every day hoping she'll start showing signs of self weaning but I swear she seems to nurse just as much as she did before starting solids and BLW at 6 months old. I'm fine with her nursing for comfort. I feel horrible that I can't take it at night anymore, but something has to give 😭😭

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I hate night nursing my son. Or really nursing him in general. I kept hoping he would self wean as well and here we are with him being nearly 3 and he still loves it so much. At night I typically only let him nurse a few minutes before I kick him off due to how much it just straight up irritates me. (Don’t have the same irritation with my daughter nursing thankfully) And sometime he rolls over and just stays asleep and other times he starts crying and goes out to his dad on the couch. 🤣
25.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
Go cold Turkey. My son was the same and didn't sleep through the night until I did. You need rest too. You have done amazing to get this far and now it is time to put yourself first.
24.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
Its okay! You want your body back. Nursing is physically and sometimes emotionally draining. You gave her 18 mos. of the best possible nutrition. That is a feat. Once they start doing the baby acrobat thing, it gets old quick. Do what you've got to do and don't feel guilty. She will be fine.
24.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
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