Gabrielle Freidly
Gabrielle Freidly
Hey mamas! I am not sure how many of you are in healthcare or nursing but I have a huge question. I am currently a CNA (used to work in LTC) currently now in home care to be with family more. I have a daughter that's two and my boyfriend has a son and a daughter that is 4 and 2 so we are always doing family time as much as possible. I am interested in getting my LPN but with the kids schedules I'd only be able to do most of it online(everything besides obviously clinical). I read that its possible to do the studies portion of it online and finish your clinical at a LTC facility in your local area. Does anyone know how to go about this? I have searched and have been provided with no schools ect.

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Check with the state board licensing. Not sure what state you are in but usually it will tell you everything there with what’s allowed and what’s not. Every state is different. And some “online” schools won’t be accepted by your state.
04.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
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