It has been a while since I've been on here but this is the only place I feel comfortable talking about my recent miscarriage. I made it to 5 weeks without knowing 100% that I was really pregnant until what I thought was my period had started. I knew I was pregnant because my period was late and I had all the symptoms but then I realized it wasn't my period when I started bleeding because what came with it was nothing I had ever seen before ( pink, white and purple gummy bear like tissue and clumps) and then I began soaking through my super absorbent pads every half hour for about 24 hours and then it slowed to a spotting for about a day and now nothing but light brown fluid every now and then. My lady parts hurt and itched like crazy when it began and then slowly started to feel normal again as the blood flow slowed. Now it's all gone and all that remains in some nausea and fatigue. What a way to find out you were pregnant and there was nothing I could do to prevent it from happening. My husband works in the oil field so he had to leave right at the beginning of everything and we do have a 3 year old so it's been tough working through the miscarriage and my emotions while caring for her, especially through Halloween. Praying for a rainbow in the future. ❤️

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And I’m sorry for your loss.
02.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
Make sure you see a doctor.
02.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
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