My poor son has been itching all over his body since yesterday I don't know if it's the weather changing😔 I have him allergy relief and it only helps a little bit. 😔 I feel so sorry for him
That is definitely an allergic reaction. Those look like hives/welts! i get those when i get cold because im allergic to the cold. They start off as tiny bumps then i get some that turn into hives then welts if it gets bad and if i cant stop itching it.
Def get him seen by a dr. and think back about what he might have eaten, and done today thats out of the norm if this hasnt happened before
Looks like welts ,or really bad hives , they have urgent cares faster than a hospital visit those are more for emergency, is his tongue swollen ,did he eat something new ?
@cray-taytimedout, yeah amoxicillin makes me break out in hives as well on my scalp and Palms and bottom of feet however in mean time Benadryl and a cold compression will help till he can be seen! I get them from fruits laundry detergent, city water! They are irritating but should go away by themselves if not he definitely needs to be seen!
Def get him seen by a dr. and think back about what he might have eaten, and done today thats out of the norm if this hasnt happened before