Anyone else have trouble with their newborn gaining weight from nursing? My first born did awesome, no issues whatsoever, but my daughter will be 2 weeks on Monday and when we went to the doctor today she had lost almost a pound from her birth weight. They’re checking her again Monday to see if she’s made any progress. I know she’s getting milk because I can hear her drinking it and when I pump I get plenty, but she also doesn’t nurse as often as my first bc she wants to sleep so much. Any one else have this issue and ended up being just fine after?

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In the first month you should be waking them up to feed them even if they just want to sleep. My daughter was the same way but I woke her every two hours and made sure she ate. Eventually she started being hungry more often since she started to realize she liked being full more han she liked to sleep. Just keep waking her. She's got a super tiny tummy right now, so she needs to be eating frequently since it's filled up and hen emptied pretty fast.
25.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
Yeah she poops so much no wonder she’s not gaining anything 😂
25.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
Continue to make her uncomfortable. Also make sure you’re eating healthy fats and drinking plenty of water. With my son I ended up resorting to pumping and bottle feeding because I couldn’t get him to wake and latch for long enough to get a good feed in.
25.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
I did do that earlier twice and she ended up getting plenty from the bottle so that’s good. I’m just trying to avoid having to formula feed if I can help it. I could probably up my water intake more too lol
25.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
@raisingradicks15, that’s why I suggested pumping or hand expressing. I did it with my daughter as well in the beginning because she slept and slept. Once I gave her a bottle it triggered her hunger or something. She hasn’t slowed down yet 😫
25.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
@mswedes, hopefully that’ll help then, I’m still interchanging with nursing and bottle so we’ll see
25.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
I’d nurse her more often to get more milk in her.
25.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
I’m trying to, it’s hard for me to get her to wake up, a lot of times I have to undress her and make her uncomfortable to get her to wake up.
25.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
@raisingradicks15, my babies were like that. I always changed diaper first and then fed them. Stay positive. She’ll be okay.
25.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
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