My son has been grinding his teeth, like wtf? What can i do to stop that i feel like its weird for him to do that

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My son was grinding his few teeth before a year old and we took him to the dentist bc he chipped his tooth a little. It’s normal, it doesn’t mean they’re anxious or something is wrong, they just do at that age, perhaps it eases their teething pain or feels good/is a new sensation and is fun. I had a hard time getting my son to stop. I’d offer food or put my finger in there. Dentist said he’s fine and to leave him be. It ended up stopping and starting again 6 months later. At that point he knew what he was doing and I could communicate with him to stop and to chew on a toy. He didn’t always and it was so very frustrating bc I didn’t want him to hurt his teeth but it’s a temporary thing and the teeth are baby teeth and for most kids won’t chip or crack.
23.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
Ugh my one year old just started this too. My oldest did it for a little while, once I stopped giving him attention when he did he stopped. It's such a horrible sound I cant help but say something when my 1 year old does it but I can tell he thinks it's a game now 🙄
23.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
It's a phase all babies go through. They will stop soon 😊
22.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
How old is he? If he is around the age of cutting teeth/teething, that could be the reason he's grinding his teeth.
22.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
Hes a year old, but he has 4 out already and he just grinds those ones together
22.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
@anonmomtobe, sounds like he’s learning his mouth, experimenting what those little teeth can do and what that feels like. Normal and cringe worthy but don’t worry it will stop soon.
23.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
Essentially nothing
My daughter started doing around 2 and the dentists said there’s nothing to do .
They tend to grow out of it
And it’s not a concern until their adult teeth come in.

My daughter is almost 4 and is hardly doing it any more . So I suppose just gotta wait it out
22.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
Ooh okay, i wasn't sure if it was normal lol
22.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
Following to see answers. Both my boys do it too
22.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
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