Long story ...
Last Monday my daughter broke out in hives after going to the fair today is after going to the fair and having hives I took her to the doctor the doctor said it was a viral infection it would go away so yesterday she had absolutely no hives on her besides her butt this morning I wake up at 5:30 in the morning and she’s burning up I take her temp is 102 I don’t give her no medicine I give her a bottle and let her lay back down and go to sleep she wakes up at 9:30 and she has hives all over her again and not just his this time she has yellow diarrheaHas anyone had anything like this happen similar to their child I’ve been told it was viral and I’ve been told it’s just allergies I don’t know what to do I’ve taken door her to her pediatrician and I’m taking her to urgent care the next thing would be children’s close to home they couldn’t figure it out I’d actually have to drive to children’s so I’m lost for words has anyone had this happen to their child keeping mine mines only 1 1/2 years old