So tomorrow my sister finds out why she miscarried i have no clue how to relate to her i hug her give her a kiss good bye today after stopping over to give her some jelly and bread cause she said she wanted pb&j but had no jelly i feel horrible because with her first pregnancy 9 yrs ago she had a miscarriage after her then boyfriend pushed her down a flight of stairs and she ended up losing 1 baby and not knowing she was pregnant still and carried that one to term only to have it die before its first birthday due to a defect in his heart..i try to be supportive and tell her it will be ok she can also find out tomorrow when she can try again. However, starring at the baby stuff isnt helping her depression so i told her to make a appointment with her therapist and get in to see her soon. I just hope ahe doesn't find out she still has the baby in her i think that would be devastating to her thinking i should see if she wants me to go with tomorrow or would that be to much?