Im really going to miss feeling this little guy kick and wiggle in my belly! Its heartbreaking to think that after he's born I'll never feel the miracle of life growing inside my body again.
I know what you mean! I dont know what ill do with 3! My oldest is more than a handful. She has attitude for days and we butt heads really bad but my second is a complete sweetie. She rarely gets in trouble and when she does its not hard to redirect her. Now I hear Im in for a whole new ball game becoming a boy mom.
Aw dont be so hard on yourself! Im sure you're doing a great job. I am getting my tubes tied after my son is born. I always said Id leave it in God's hands and Id never get "fixed" but this is baby no. 3 and none were planned. They are all 5 years apart and we are finally having a boy so we just decided it was time. Its still sad though.
@poiznivy I won't be fetting my tubes tied but the bf will be getting snipped. I just know I don't want any more. Even the one I have now is a handful. I always wanted 2 kids because I have a brother and I couldn't imagine being an only child. I'm glad I can give her a sibiling but that's gonna be enough for me and my energy level lol