If you took a test and it was positive, but then miscarried that night.. would u test negative 3 days later??
Idk if it depends on how long ur preg or what. But i know when i was only 5weeks it took me a month to show up negative.
Im asking because i really think my friend made up a miscarriage to her fiance to get pity and it makes me mad.. but if thats possible then im just a jerk idk.
It just seems weird. Esp being as i know her.. she can be manipulative..
In the end i guess its not my business but still a crappy thing to lie about

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Thanks ladies!!! I appreciate all the good info! I was genuinely curious because it all sounded super sketch to me.. but i wanted to make sure i wasnt just being a douche bag
She told me after i was sharing my concern for my current pregnancy since my last miscarried. And at first it didnt strike me as odd. But there are some other sketch circumstances..
Then she calls me last night and says guess what we are gonna be pregnant together! I said omg thats great when did u test? She said she hasnt yet but she knows she is as she has been sick every morning for 3days. I said oh wow whens ur last period? She said 2 weeks ago.. im like wtf? Um well its early to tell that.. and early to be sick. She said well my periods have been weird since my miscarriage. So i dont even know if that was a period..
I asked if it was light. She said no it was heavy. Ook well how long after ur miscarriage did u test negative. And she said 3 days.. and that conversation just di3dnt sit well.. i wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. But the more ive thought about it the more its bothered me..
Also the motive to lie.. to her fiance i guess to get him to not leave? Which he had threatened. But why lie to me? I dont get it.
09.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
With both of my miscarriages I didn’t test negative until almost 3 weeks later. 3 days sounds super sketch. Unless like others said and it was a really early chemical pregnancy maybe?
09.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
Time Frame for hCG to Return to Normal

It takes an average of 12 to 16 days for hCG to disappear from the body, but this can vary based on how high your hCG level was at the time of your miscarriage. It can take around a week to return to zero with a chemical pregnancy (a very early pregnancy loss) and up to a month, or even more, with a miscarriage that occurs later in pregnancy. After that, a pregnancy test won't be positive.
09.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
This is from an article about chemical pregnancies.
If it was strong enough to detect i dont believe in just 3 days it would completely be out of the system. However, everyone is different and it does depend on how far along she may have been.
09.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
You are considered pregnant if your hcg is at a 5 most tests won't show until you are over 15. Numbers double roughly every 3 days. So if she was very early on it could be possible to have an early positive and end in a "chemical pregnancy" the test reads the hormone based off the fertilization process and surge in hormones but then the baby doesn't implant well and ends in a loss/ menstrual cycle.
09.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
When i had a ectopic pregnancy After I got my medicine shots I was still showing positive. I had to keep getting blood drawn till it went down to zero. Which took almost a month I was 6-7 weeks at the time .
09.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
Could be a chemical pregnancy. Those are fairly common. Get a faint positive and then a negetive a day or so later. My 1 miscarriage it took me 4 months for the hcg to leave my system. I was obly 6 weeks but the doctor was pretty sure i gad miscarried twins as my hcg when tested at what would have been 5 weeks was 28000!
09.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
@no062014 hadnt thought of chemical pregnancy. In that case would the bleeding just be her period then. Im not familiar w a chemical pregnancy
09.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
@hotmessmom08 it would be considered a period yes. But the hcg hormone was still there. There was still a pregnancy even if for a day. Its one reason I dont tell my hubby till after my first appt. I also don't test anymore till a week after my missed period.
09.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
Very unlikely. Even with my hcg in the 300's it took a week just to drop to below 100.
09.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
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