Clare Pye
Clare Pye
Madison keeps crying in the middle of the night. It's been going on for about two/three week now. It's taking its toll on ste so he's started nudging me awake to deal with it. But I'm one of them 'once I'm up I'm up' sort of people. She never particularly needs anything. Mainly just needs to know somebody is there for her to fall back off but it's a temporary fix for about an hour till she's crying again. She's always slept through up until now. Could be the back teeth? Just restlessness? Somebody suggested calpol before bed? I haven't tried that yet, is that what people do? Any other tips?

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Theo was a horrible sleeper at 15-17 months old, waking every 40 minutes through the night. It's exhausting but it's usually just a phase. I put Theo in his own room and it helped, but I could have just been lucky and caught the end of the bad sleep phase 🤔 we are currently going through nightmares, he's waking 3-5 times a night sweating and saying he's has nasty dreams 😢
It is exhausting but it will improve again! X
08.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
She’s still very young and it’s just part of it 🤷🏼‍♀️ there is no advice other than just comfort her until she falls back asleep. It’s normal for sleep patterns to change x
08.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
I wouldn't suggest Calpol unless you know what's bothering her or if she has a temperature. It could be nightmares. It's probably just a phase so continue to reasure her when she wakes & settle her back into her bed. And hopefully it will pass. It's frustrating when you don't know why I know because you wanna fix it!
08.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
I'll stay as we are for now but I have a feeling it's going to get tiresome. We both have busy days. I'm thinking of moving the cot a bit closer to our bed. I reckon just touching her through the slats would be enough. See how that goes for us. Yeah it would be nice to know why. Shame she can't just tell us lol xx
08.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
@clarelushx It is tiring, especially when your used to them sleeping through but that's parenting. You can't do much but ride it out and comfort her. Morgan was always an amazing sleeper but even he went through phases where he woke & I couldn't work out why. For about 3months he was waking and chatting away. Happy as Larry like it was day time! Eventually it stopped. He also went through a nightmare phase. Max gets night terrors which is even worse. Usually lasts a week or 2. Sometimes during these phases they'd come into our bed. Then when it passed they were fine again 🤷‍♀️
08.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
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