I wanted to do Golden Girl's for Halloween. It was my fav show growing up, and is one of me and my daughter's fav now. My daughter wanted to be Rose, and she said I should be Blanche (not sure if thats a compliment or insult lol) But i thought I would be Dorothy and my 3yo son would be Sophia. So the height difference was funny..
My husband said NO. Absolutely not. And he got mad. I think its stupid! Its halloween. He has this mentality his stupid dad has forced onto him that stuff like that will "make a boy gay" which is so ridiculous.

But idk. Opinions- would you let your 3yo son dress up like an old grandma? Or do you agree thats not right?

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I would do it . My son brought his sisters barbie shopping last week . He also plays with her old pet shops and shop kins . I dont think it has any sort of influence on sexuality ... plus its halloween .
05.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thats my feeling too! My son loves his sister's monster high dolls. He likes the bright colors and soft hair, and mostly because they are big sister's. It's just a toy.

Plus halloween!! I think it would be hilarious to see a tiny sophia w/ me as dorothy. I saw loads of boys dress up as old ladies for halloween to be silly.

I just wanted to make sure if i was the only one who thought it was no big deal..
05.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
@hotmessmom08 ur dressing up to be someone or something your not . That's what it all about . It's a great idea for sure . So many people would love your costumes . The elderly people who usually the one at home giving out candy would just love it . Very creative idea ! Plus the show rocks !
05.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
@jesssska i love that thought. I hadnt even thought about it. We see a lot of elderly ppl and i know they enjoy when they can tell who the costume is.
07.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
My fav show also . That then matlock right after . LOL
05.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
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