I’m beyond disappointed on how my second pregnancy made me sad and depressed the whole term. I wanted to enjoy to life of my son especially all the high risk issues and doubts. I have been crying daily due to the emotional mindset I’m in from the ones I love. All the self talks I give myself and therapy just doesn’t work. I cant wait until this is over !

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Awww it will get better, I know the feeling even after having my two babies some days I feel like why did we have kids? I shouldn’t feel like that because our babies are blessings. It’s just a lot
29.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
@vee.michel, I’m telling you I try explaining to my husband but you really can’t explain it. Hormones all messed up during and after pregnancy . I just missing being me no up and down days just being me. And when you don’t have any friends that’s in your situation or that has been in your situation it just makes you bottle and whole everything in and I know it isn’t good to do.
29.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
@amberlelliott28, exactly . Your feelings a bunch of emotions and they are bottled up. I look at my partner and feel like he is selfish for not trying to be there the way I need him to. Everything is touchy for me lol
29.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
@vee.michel, oooo trust me I understand having kids is a blessing. But also having kids seems like you just messed your body up , your mental everything messed up. And being tired it’s just the life now.
29.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
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