Yeah so today sucks.
Guess if I get mastitis its worth it since i was on the phones 🤷♀️
Back story: my boss at work is someone I seriously admire, look up to, respect, and hope to be in her position one day. We work at a call center where every once in a while the utility programs we work for call "events" and turn everyone's AC off, which increases call volume, AKA HELLA CALLS. We didn't get as many as we couldve, and everyone was told not to leave for the whole duration of the event. I breastfeed, and have to pump every 3 hours, you can see where this is going. Basically I was done pumping about 2 hours before the event. So about an hour into the event, I ask if I would be good to go pump, I send it in a Skype message to our supervisor, who didnt reply. I see my boss (different person than my supervisor), walk passed me, and ask if can go. She says No you're gonna have to wait. After this my supervisor replies "Yes" on Skype 😤 (feel like a child being told no by mom and yes by dad) so I ask my boss when is the earliest I'll be able to go, and this woman deadass tells me 10 minutes after the event. That would make me be pushing 5 hours of no pumping. Sorry you got me FUCKED up. You really think I wanna get a nipple infection and also lose my supply? So I bargain with her and ask if I can go 30 minutes before the time she said I could go, and she gets said yeah that's fine. So 5:30 rolls around, and I get up and ask if I'm good to go, and she gets all rude and says "What?" And I asked again. And she interrupts me and says "what to go pump?" And hesitates and acts like she wants to say something else then says "yeah fine" and dude I've never heard her have such a hateful rude tone before tbh. I love this woman and I have gone to her for advise and wisdom and she has helped me through rough times. But the amount of hate in her voice literally made me break down at my desk. Silently ofc because I'm a boss ass bitch and no one gets to see me cry. She even talked to me the other day in the same voice and honestly? Yea I'm hurt. Because it makes me feel like a failure to our whole team. It makes me feel like a burden, because I have to pump my milk and leave every 3 hours and I understand from a managers perspective they are pretty much programmed to hate any of their employees who arent working as hard as everyone else. But at the same time it's also conflicting and frustrating, because theres laws now that literally STATE you cannot withhold a breastfeeding mother from pumping when she needs to at work, and there has to be a room and all that.
But it's just really discouraging, in all honesty. Makes me feel like I'm lower than everyone else or something.
On top of that, im having issues with my sitter, who is also my sons aunt. And my baby daddy. Just F🐬CK today straight up just a curious question, as a baby sitter ... who is also my sons aunt.... how are you seriously gonna tell me that you have "kiddos and other things going on" as an excuse of not telling me where my son is going when he is going there? seriously WTF.