My poor girl is not feeling well. Had a mild temp last night so took her to the doctor this morning. They tested her for strep but it was negative. She just has a viral infection they recommended Tylenol and Motrin for fever. Warm baths and ice pops. She just woke up from her nap and her temp is 101.4 (under arm)
At what point should I be more concerned? I don’t want to be that mom and think she needs to go to ER but I’ve not had a sick child before and I just don’t know what to do.
4.6 года

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Just do the Motrin and Tylenol rotation. Lots of cuddles. A cool or lukewarm bath might help. I believe they say 104 for temp to go to the ER.

4.6 года Нравится Ответить



I think with her being 10 months 103 is max! I would strip her down to just a diaper and light blanket, rotate between Tylenol and ibuprofen. Luke warm bath only when its around 101 and popsicles and lots of fluids and cuddles

4.6 года Нравится Ответить

Just do the Motrin and Tylenol rotation. Lots of cuddles. A cool or lukewarm bath might help. I believe they say 104 for temp to go to the ER.

4.6 года Нравится Ответить